A Space to Intentionally Rest and Connect with God
Spiritual Retreat for
Christian Leaders
Imagine walking with God, experiencing knowing and being known, where your soul connects with your Creator and Friend. This Eden picture of health and vitality is often drowned out in our busyness and productivity. Re-learning these Eden rhythms is at the heart of Eden Waters. Our mission is to provide an environment where you can engage with God's heart and His great love for you.
If you can relate to our foundation verse “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life” (Mt 11:28 Msg), then Eden Waters is for you.
For more detail on who will be retreating at Eden Waters, please refer to the FAQs on the INFO page.
"I think retreating is crucial for everybody. To be able to stop well, to go well."
Keith Farmer

Eden Waters
Eden Waters is a fully catered self-guided retreat where hosts, Tim and Sue, will help scaffold your intentional time with God, provide delicious meals, and pray for you.
Your day will be filled with personal retreating time in a well-equipped private space or in our natural surroundings. In the evening, join other retreaters for a meal and some easy-going reflection. If you are a married leader, we encourage you to come together and make this a shared experience.
"It’s the perfect place to stop, be in the presence of God, with no distractions but beauty. I loved every minute of it, I loved the hospitality."
Tanya McInnes